5 Tips To Deter Crime At The Office

When you go to work, DON’T leave your crime prevention thinking cap at home! Almost any crime that can happen at home or in your neighborhood, can happen in the workplace. Here’s some tips to prevent office crime.

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  1. Keep your purse, wallet, keys or other valuable items with you at all times or locked in a drawer or closet.
  2. Check the identity of strangers who are in your office – particularly service people. Be sure they have a badge or other identification from the company they represent.
  3. Always let someone in the office know where you will be going and when you will be back–even if you are just leaving for lunch.
  4. If you bring personal items to work, such as CD player, be sure to mark them with your name or initials.
  5. Report any broken or flickering lights, doors that don’t lock properly or broken windows. Do not assume someone else has already done it.

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Reception area – Does your receptionist have a panic button for emergencies or a lock on the front door that can be controlled by the receptionist?

Don’t use out-of-the-way stairways alone.

Don’t work late alone. Create a buddy system for walking to parking lots or public transportation.

Choose a well-lighted, well-guarded parking garage. If you notice strangers lurking around, notify security or the police.

Always look around your car before approaching it and look in the car before opening the door.

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