How Do You Know If There’s Illegal Drug Dealing On Your Property?

No property is truly immune from the possibilities of illegal activity. The best you can do is to mitigate the chances of crime on the property as much as possible. As a property manager or landlord, you need to be diligent in looking for the warning signs of crime on the property(ies) you manage/owner. If your tenants are dealing, growing, or manufacturing drugs on the premises, you need to know quickly and take action as soon as possible.
This report is distributed ONLY to Property Managers and Landlords.
To request a free copy of “How Do You Know If There’s Illegal Drug Dealing On Your Property?“, please click on the link and complete the form.
The Best Video Surveillance Tips Ever

Attention Retail & Business Owners and Property Managers:
The United States Department of Justice and the F.B.I have collaborated to produce an eye-popping 20 minute DVD on the best practices for installing and optimizing a CCTV system for commercial establishments.
This report is distributed ONLY to Business Owners and Property Managers.
To request a free copy of “The Best Video Surveillance Tips Ever“, please click on the link and complete the form.
55 Ways To Steal Your Boss Blind.

Attention Retail & Convenience Store Owners, Business Executives and Managers:
Do you want to learn the 55 most popular and practically full-proof ways to steal your boss blind?! This FREE report details how employees, vendors and customers rob you over and over again…to the tune of 33.5 billion in 2009 alone! (According to the National Retail Federation at
This report is distributed ONLY to Business Owners, Executives and Managers.
To request a free copy of “55 Ways To Steal Your Boss Blind“, please click on the link and complete the form.
10 Notorious Security Problems…

Attention all Property and Facility Managers:
Do you have a nagging security problem? Are you concerned about the safety and security of your tenants?
Worried about illegal trespassing or loitering?
Are you interested in protecting your property from vandalism, theft and illegal dumping? Would you like to stop false insurance suits?
If so, then you need to get a copy of our FREE report, “10 Notorious Security Problems Facing Property Managers & How I’ve Solved Them.” To request a copy today, please click on the link and complete the form.
How Safe Is Your Facility From Intruders And Attackers?

Attention all Property and Facility Managers:
In this day and age, facility security professionals and others involved in securing facilities are understandably worried about safety. But protecting your facility from threats can be done reasonably well. This report will provide you with practical modern-day solutions to your security concerns.
Get your free copy of “How Safe Is Your Facility From Intruders & Attackers?” and learn how to identify and plan a system that will effectively protect your facility from unwanted intrusions.
21 Ways To Cat Burglar Proof Your Home.

Attention all Home Owners:
This FREE report is a must read! It’s the premier guide to keeping your home safe and sound from intruders, attackers, peeping-toms, vandals and thieves. So for those of you interested in protecting your valuables and loved ones, order it today!
To request a free copy of “21 Ways To Cat Burglar Proof Your Home“, please click on the link and complete the form.
Consumer Awareness Guide: How To Choose The Right Security Installation Company & Avoid Being Ripped Off

Attention All Commercial & Residential Consumers:
This free consumer report is a “must-read” prior to choosing any security installer for your security project. You’ll learn the 11 danger signals to watch for when hiring a security system installation company and avoid being ripped off.
To request a free copy of the “Consumer Awareness Guide: How To Choose The Right Security Installation Company & Avoid Being Ripped Off“, please click on the link and complete the form.