February’s Residential Security Tip: Security For Seniors

You have probably already taken the most important step in home security, which is installing the best home security system you can afford. Once you activate your system, there are a few other helpful measures you can take to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

• Switch to direct deposit for the delivery of as many of your incoming checks as you can, including Social Security. If your house is being watched, it won’t be long before a potential criminal figure out which day your check usually arrives in the mailbox. If direct deposit is not an option, consider an inexpensive P.O. Box or the home of a trusted relative.

• Always lock your doors even on the sunniest, safest of days. Home invasions happen quickly. If your doors are locked, you have a much better chance of not becoming a target. And if the intruder isn’t deterred by a locked door, it still gives you a few valuable moments to call 911 and get out. Just be sure to give a spare key to a close friend or neighbor.

• Lastly, make your phone your buddy. Keep it with you all the time, but especially when you answer the door. If you use a cell phone, keep it charged. If you use a landline, make sure the phone can be used in every room of the house.

These simple steps will make your humble abode into the fortress you need it to be for years to come.

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