March’s Residential Security Tip: When a Security Company Isn’t A Security Company

When it comes to home security systems, you don’t buy off the street. But scam artists across the country are sweet-talking and hard-selling homeowners into doing just that. These scammers usually work in the summertime, for disreputable out-of-state security companies, or for themselves.

They show up at your door and sell you a story: Your security company changed names, so we need to convert your paperwork. Or… Your equipment is out of date, and we’re here to update it for you. Or… You need a whole new system, and we’ve got one right here ready to go, at unbelievable prices!

They often wear shirts and hats printed with the logos of legitimate security companies, and the really tricky part is that they actually do a bit of work for the pay you fork out. Sometimes they remove your old equipment and install an inferior system in its place. But usually they hard sell you into signing the dotted line on a bogus security contract that will never net you any protection at all.

It’s not hard to head this scam off. Just remember that a good security company is registered with your state and can be checked on the internet or in the phone book for accuracy. And any reps they send to your home will have a verifiable ID that they would be happy to let you check over the phone. If you live alone, never answer the door for any security company you don’t already have a relationship with, and then only after you have checked that they sent someone.

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