Statistics have proven – time and time again – that as the temperatures start going up, so do crime rates. According to the FBI, burglaries increase by approximately 10% when the weather gets warm.
A theory that supports this is that people tend to get more active as the weather warms up, which includes criminal activity. Another theory is that many people go on vacation during the summer. While things may be a bit different this summer with the residuals of the COVID-19 crisis, there is still a higher risk that your house will be targeted during the summer then during the cooler months of the year.
What you have to figure out is how you can increase security around your house. Some tips that will help ensure your home is protected from these warm weather opportunities are found here.
Hire a Pet Sitter or House Sitter
When things blow over and getting out and about and going to work becomes commonplace again, consider hiring a pet or house sitter to stay in your home while you are away. When you have someone there all the time, the likelihood of your house being targeted by a burglar is reduced significantly.
Avoid Leaving the Windows Open
If it is hot outside, you may be tempted to open up the windows and let some fresh air in. As tempting as this may be, don’t. You may forget to close them at night, which makes it easy for a burglar to get inside.
Install a Home Security System
If your home does not have a home security system, it is three times more likely to be broken into than a home with a security system. This is a smart investment and one that will pay off. Once the security is in place, make sure you arm it every night. This is a simple step, but one that may mean the difference in you being robbed or staying safe.
The summer months should be a fun time that you can enjoy. However, if you don’t take steps to ensure your home is protected, you may find you are the victim of a burglary. The best way to ensure this doesn’t happen is by using the tips found here.