April’s Residential Security Tip: Home Security Should Never Be Neglected

No matter how large or small your home is, security is not something you should neglect, period. A home security system is the best way to protect your family, home and belongings. A home security system is more than just an alarm –being secure means also being aware of your neighborhood and where emergency services are located.

Some things you need to consider when making your home secure are:

Valuables- Most intruders will take small items, even though they are initially looking for pricier items such as electronics or cash. Take stock of what you own as far as jewelry or other valuables. That way, if your home is broken into, you will know what’s missing.

Timing– Is everybody leaving and returning at the same time each day? Do you leave and return all together or at separate times? Potential intruders spend weeks monitoring your movements, looking for the most opportune time to break into your home. If someone is at home all the time, or if you and your family have a less consistent schedule, you lower the risk of being broken into.

Light it up– Adding motion lights to your home helps lessen the risk of being attacked outside your home at night. They also draw attention to anyone entering your property.

Have an emergency plan as well. Go over it with each member of your family. Include exit points in case of fire, what to do in case of an intruder and emergency contacts. Review the plan at least two or three times a year.

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