If you have a business, such as a kiosk, self-storage facility, car wash or other employee-free location, you know it can be extremely difficult to keep in touch with what is going on.
However, while these businesses may run well, it may leave concerns about security and safety.

Hosted Surveillance The good news is that there are ways to safeguard your business with the use of hosted video surveillance.
With this type of security in place, you will be able to have eyes on your business at anytime from anywhere. The hosted security solutions will have the videos stored in the cloud, which will eliminate the need for any type of video recording device, helping to make the cost extremely affordable and the installation quick and simple.
Benefits of Hosted Video Solutions
In addition to the fact that these security services will provide you with customer insight and performance of your business, you will also be able to use the information that is gathered from the cameras for:
• Day to day monitoring of the business
• Tracking your customer’s activities
• Improving the overall internal process
When you own a remote business, there is no need to let the challenge of staying informed become a serious hurdle. When you utilize the right type of security system, you will be able to maintain the distance without having to sacrifice the awareness that you have of what is going on.