With all the high tech ways to protect businesses these days, many business owners tend to lose focus on the basic necessities needed to protect their facilities from being broken into. These things should be followed, no matter how advanced a security system you might have.
1. Lock all outside entrances. Make the locks visible if need be. Double cylinder deadbolts with a removable collar and heavy duty padlocks are great deterrents. While it’s not guarantee the entrances can’t be broken into- it will at least slow a potential thief down. Padlocks should be mounted on a bolted hasp and always locked if no one is inside the area. Also, file off serial numbers for keys used for padlocks. Key a spare key in a secure area.
2. Lock the doors to all secure areas. Even if you leave for just a minute, lock the door.
3. All outside doors and security doors should be of the best quality of heavy duty metal lined material you can afford. Make sure your door jambs are solid and that exposed hinges are secured so they cannot be easily removed.
4. Have secure locks on your windows. Install burglar resistant glass or glass treatments. It is also good to have a glass break sensor installed. If you decide to use burglar bars, check with your local fire code office first to see if this is allowed.
5. Light it up! Have high wattage, preferably large bulb security lights. Motion activated lights are good to have also. Take a walk around your facility in the dark. If you see any spots that are not light- especially out of the way ones, then install security lights as soon as you can.
6. If your business uses a cash register, keep it where it is visible to the outside and when you leave at night, leave the empty drawer standing open. This signals burglars that there is no cash to be grabbed easily.