But there are some things that we as homeowners rarely if ever think about around our homes that can give thieves an easy way to steal. Do you ever think of any of these:
• Burglars like to travel light and often can’t carry large tools like ladders with them to the homes they target. Fortunately for them, most homeowners often leave these tools lying around lawns, driveways and side yards, ready and waiting to be used. If you have ladders, step stools or anything a burglar can stand on to enter your home, lock it up or keep it from being easily accessed and moved underneath a window.
• Open sheds and garages not only have your valuables such as lawn mowers and other similar items, but are also great places for burglars to hide. Keep them locked at all times if you’re not inside. Sturdy hasps and padlocks or deadbolts are the best way to secure these buildings.

• Broken door and window locks are something that is much neglected in many homes. Check your doors and windows often to make sure they are closing and locking securely. Repair and replace as needed. Don’t give burglars an easy way in.
• Don’t leave the keys in any vehicle parked outside your home, even if it’s in a closed and locked garage. Doing so makes it easy for the vehicle to be stolen, especially when you’re asleep or not home. Don’t hang keys to your car, home or storage shed on hooks outside the door or next to a window. This again makes it easy for crooks to steal from you.