March’s Residential Security: 3 Commonly-Made Home Security Mistakes & How to Easily Fix Them

Most homeowners are aware that they need to keep their homes and families safe and take the appropriate action to do so. But still, there are some pretty common security mistakes that are made in the process. These mistakes are things we never really think about, but are so easy to fix. Take a look at this list and see if you don’t recognize some things you might be doing at your home.

1.) Hidden Keys we all have them. Under a flower pot, inside a fake rock or up over a door ledge somewhere. If you’re going to have an extra key -leave it with a neighbor or store it someplace where no one passing by might see you using it. Of course the best thing to do is not lock yourself out.

2.) Not arming your alarm system your state of the art security system does you no good if you don’t turn it on. If you’re not taking the time to activate it EVERY time you leave home, then you might as well advertise that your home is wide open to thieves.

3.) Visible Valuables- While we enjoy having our curtains and blinds open, remember anyone passing by can see in just as well as you can see out. This is especially true if your home is very close to the street or sidewalk. Keep your valuables such as purses, electronics and valuable items away from open windows.

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