May’s Commercial Security Tip: Scheduling Time Periods for Visitors & Deliveries as a Safety Procedure

Security is not just locks and security guards, it is also a set of procedures designed to keep the building safe. With some simple scheduling procedures in place, you can ensure a manageable level of security for your building, employees and visitors. Here are some simple steps to follow:

    • Schedule deliveries for only a certain time period each day or day of the week. Make sure you notify vendors and courier services of this schedule and that they strictly adhere to it. Most delivery companies can schedule their route and if they know your delivery hours, they can arrange to be there during that time period. Don’t accept

      deliveries outside of these hours.

    • Post your hours where they are visible at gates, entry ways and on each exterior door.
    • Create a time frame for visitors to be allowed on the premises. This cuts down on unexpected entries to the premises. Do not allow visitors to be there outside this specific time frame.
    • Create a specific time for employees to be at work. Anyone working outside those hours will require prior admission to be on site.
    • Ask vendors who visit to set up a time to do so at least a few days in advance. Warn them that non- company personnel are only allowed on site during specific times. If they really want your business, they will be more than happy to adhere to your rules.
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