October’s Commercial Security Tip: After The Fact – What To Do If Your Business Is Robbed?

It can happen to any business, anytime, anywhere – large or small. You come to work and discover that you’ve been burglarized. What do you do?
If you’ve been robbed during non-business hours, the first thing to remember is to NOT enter the building. Dial your local emergency number and then contact any other pertinent

business personnel. If you’ve not been contacted already by your security monitoring company, then call them as well. This is especially important in case of an alarm system failure.

Not entering the building is important for two reasons. First, the thief or thieves may still be inside and, secondly, you may compromise any evidence. Once law enforcement has cleared it, you will need to do a quick inventory and let them know what is missing. Keep employee access to the building to an absolute minimum to prevent confusion.

Cooperate with law enforcement officials completely. Do not withhold any information, even if you think it’s trivial. Contact your business insurance agent and have them send a representative as soon as possible in order to get fresh, firsthand information on the situation.

Insist upon and keep copies of all reports from any agency involved in the investigation. It doesn’t hurt to keep a record of your own thoughts and views.

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