As the holidays get closer, if you own a retail store, you know – it means more business and more traffic than usual. Unfortunately, this is also when nefarious individuals are going to take advantage of your packed store and the lax security in place. There’s no need to worry if you’ll make it through the holiday season when you implement the security measures found here.
Access Control is a Must Have. As the business owner, it’s not going to be possible for you to always be at your business. You have responsibilities to handle, especially during this time of the year. You have to be in and out, leaving you with the issue of monitoring access to the office, storage areas, and other locations in your business.
While having just a few trusted workers with codes and keys will be helpful, that’s not a fool-proof plan. A better option is to install remote access. You can create unique codes, fobs, or cards for each member of your staff, client, or vendor, which means they can access areas when you aren’t there, but you still know what is going on. If there is a security breach, you can easily track its origin.
24/7 Surveillance. While you likely have surveillance, is it enough to handle the influx of holiday traffic that is headed your way? It’s a good idea to install 360-degree cameras in locations that get the most action. It’s best to put these near any entry doors and even around warehouse doors, as you never know who may lurk trying to get in when you least expect it.
Be sure you only install cameras that provide the latest high-def footage. This ensures if breaches do occur, you can take action against the guilty party.
By implementing the additional security measures described here, you can make it through the holiday season unscathed.