Residential Security Tip: To Catch a Thief –Think Like One!

According to the FBI, in 2010, there were an estimated 2,159,878 burglaries in the USA, with victims of burglary offenses suffering an estimated $4.6 billion in lost

property. Overall, the average dollar loss per burglary offense was $2,119. So what does that mean for the average homeowner? Simply this: most thieves like to work when there is nobody home. Now, you can’t sit home all day and night to try and prevent this from happening, but you can take some steps to prevent it.

It’s common knowledge that if a burglar wants to get inside your house they eventually will. But if you think like a thief and “case the joint” to find your home’s weak points, then you can make their attempts just that, “an attempt.”Walk around the outside of your house—how secure are your windows and doors? Are all of them sturdy and in good repair? Can they be securely locked? Is it easy to gain access to your basement or through a glass door? Check these things out and take the necessary actions to fix any problems that you may find. If you feel you’d rather have an expert “case the joint” for you, then give us a call and we’d be happy to provide you with one of our Free Home Security Audits. Since being prepared and preventing the possibility of burglary are the best defenses for your home, take the time to make sure your home is secure.

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