Having a monitored home security system is one of the smartest and easiest ways to ensure your home is protected from the possibility of a home invasion. With this in mind, there are several measures that you can take to help ensure your house isn’t as tempting to a would-be thief – regardless of if you currently have a home security system installed.
Lurkers in the Leaves
When someone plans to break into your home, they are likely going to plan it out. This will usually involve some level of surveillance. Nefarious individuals will put time into learning your habits to know when you are home and how they can get around your property without being seen by the neighbors.
Be sure that you keep any shrubs and trees close to your home trimmed so there are not as many places for these individuals to hied. No one wants to be seen, so make sure they don’t have great hiding spots.
The Extra Key
Hiding a key outside your home is the oldest trick in the book. While it may seem convenient, but it isn’t a good idea. This is going to be the first place that an intruder looks. If you are going to leave a key outside, make sure you don’t hide it in all the obvious places – such as in the mailbox, bushes, around the cooling or heating unit, under a rock, doormat, or another obvious location.
Add a Deadbolt to the Exterior Doors
While it may not be too easy to kick in a door (like they make it seem on the movies), if you are only using a traditional lock, you aren’t really providing the level of protection your home needs. Install a deadbolt lock on every door that leads outside.
A Security System is a Must
While there are viable steps you can take to help prevent a break in without investing in a security system, this is one of the best bets if you really want to protect your family and home. If you don’t yet have a security system in place, now is the time to make this investment.