With your kids back to school, you may be concerned about their safety when getting to and from their school each day. This is especially true if your little one walks, rides their bike or even rides the bus – since you aren’t in control, how do you know they will be safe?
The good news is, you can provide your kids some helpful tips to ensure they arrive at and home from school safely.

Bus Riders
If your child rides the bus, make sure they know the following tips:
• Don’t ever walk behind the bus or another vehicle
• Be sure the bus has stopped completely prior to trying to get off
• Don’t move around on the bus while it is moving
• Only get off the bus at the assigned stop
Biking Safety Tips
If your child takes their bike to school, there are a number of tips that can help ensure they remain safe, which include:
• They should always wear a helmet and have the proper bike locks and lights installed
• Be sure they know the way to school and that they should stay on the bike path
• Teach the child proper signaling and make sure they know the rules of the road
• Always be sure they travel in the same direction as the traffic
Walking Safety Tips
While not as many kids walk to school as they did in the past, it is still important to make sure they know how to do so safely if this is the selected mode of transportation:
• Only allow children who are 10 years (or older) to walk to school
• Only cross the street at a crosswalk or intersection
• Make sure they know the path well
• Find a path that has crossing guards present
• If it is after dark, find someone to walk home with
• Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know
Taking the time to ensure your kids know how to get to and from school safely will give you peace of mind and ensure nothing bad happens. Remember, you should also ensure your kids are safe once they arrive home, especially if you are still at work. One of the best ways to do this is by installing a quality video surveillance security system. This will also let you know when they arrive home and if anyone else comes by.