Where You Should – and Should Not – Hide Your Keys

There is no question that it is smart to make a spare key for your home and stow it away somewhere on your property in case someone becomes unexpectedly locked out. However, there are a number of good places to consider hiding a spare key, as well as a few that should be avoided. Knowing what these locations are can help a homeowner keep their home safe, while also having access to it if they become locked out.


The Absolute Worst Places to Hide a Key
Some of the places to avoid hiding your spare key at all costs include the following:
Under your porch mat. This is the first place that any would-be burglar would look.
Under a flower pot on the porch. This is a step up from hiding it under the welcome mat and a go-to place for a robber.
In a fake rock that looks “out of place.” This can make a great place for a spare key unless the rock appears out of place or unnatural.
Any location near the front door. The fact is, this is where a would-be thief would look automatically. Try not to make it easy for them.

Great Places to Hide Your Spare House Key

If possible, some of the following are ideal places to hide your spare house key:
Under paver stones. Place your spare key into a plastic baggie and put it under one of the pavers stones, in the backyard if possible.
In the grill. A magnet key case can be purchased at the local hardware store and used to put on the back or bottom of your grill easily.
Use a fake sprinkler head. This will only work if the home already has a sprinkler system. However, there are fake sprinkler heads that can be purchased at most local hardware stores.
Under your dog house. The bottom line is thieves hate dogs. Take advantage of this by hiding your spare key on, under, in or near your dog house.

If you really want to avoid issues with your spare key, consider home automation. Taking the time to figure out where you should and should not hide your spare key can go a long way and safeguard your home, belongings and family.

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