October Residential Security Tip: Home Security from the Ground Up

Home security starts from the floor plan. If you’re just starting to think about your new home, you’re in a great position to plan for security. Take a look at this list of features, and discuss them with your building contractor while you still can!

A clear line-of-sight from the front door to the street. Try to keep the main openings to your home as visible as possible. Pocketed front doors make nice hiding places, where home invaders can take their time getting in.

A home fire sprinkler system. These are surprisingly inexpensive, and they will probably save your bacon at some point. Fire sprinklers aren’t mandatory in new homes everywhere, but they’re still a great investment to protect your life and property. Plus, they get you a homeowners insurance discount!

Strong, but beautiful, doors and windows. These days you don’t have to sacrifice style for security. Take a look around at all the beautiful options out there for security doors, and choose one that suits you. Don’t forget that the frame is just as important. Discuss the best options for long-lasting, solid framing with your builder. This goes for all the exterior doors and windows, not just the front door.

Security from the get-go. Involve your home security company in the build as soon as you can. Your security contractor can help you plan the best strategy possible for wiring and monitoring your home. He may even be able to hook you up with a great fire sprinkler installer.

When you plan ahead, you get a home that’s both secure and beautiful, with a minimum of effort and expense. Happy building!

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